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Introduction to jQuery

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jQuery is the most popular library for JavaScript. In this course, you will learn how to use jQuery to add additional power and interactivity to your web pages. You’ll see how to take advantage of jQuery in your web pages, how to work with the HTML document, and even make server-side calls.

Using jQuery, the JavaScript programmer has access to many of the powerful tools common to desktop and mobile developers use, like building event handlers and using effects for a responsive UI, the ability to manipulate your user interface without having to refresh the entire page, and creating asynchronous calls to keep your web application responsive. With jQuery, you’ll be able to take your web pages to the next level!

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Rating 4.4 based on 9 ratings
Length 3 weeks
Effort 3 - 4 hours per week
Starts Apr 1 (270 weeks ago)
Cost $99
From Microsoft via edX
Instructor Christopher Harrison
Download Videos On all desktop and mobile devices
Language English
Subjects Programming
Tags Computer Science

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What people are saying

prior experience with jquery

If you have little bit prior experience with JQuery then you will understand better.Like you should know class and id of css .As "class and id " is heavily used to access object and then perform some action on it.

-in lab you get

-In Lab you get to apply the topic learned in that week.

-short videos are nice

-Short videos are nice.

concepts like dom manipulation

A challenging, well-delivered course that assumes a solid knowledge of HTML and javascript, to provide a comprehensive overview of jQuery, and a working understanding of key concepts like DOM manipulation, asynchronous operation, and Ajax.

items particularly worthy

Items particularly worthy of note: 1) Key concepts were thoroughly, and very clearly explained.

most highly recommended

Most highly recommended.

getting people motivated

Mr Harrison is very good at presenting content and getting people motivated to study and apply it, he's funny as well.

perform some action

will understand

html / css

It is not compulsory but I would recommend to know a bit about javascript before and of course the basics of HTML / CSS.

mr harrison

access object


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Rating 4.4 based on 9 ratings
Length 3 weeks
Effort 3 - 4 hours per week
Starts Apr 1 (270 weeks ago)
Cost $99
From Microsoft via edX
Instructor Christopher Harrison
Download Videos On all desktop and mobile devices
Language English
Subjects Programming
Tags Computer Science

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