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Python is an interpreted object-oriented programming language. It is open source, so the interpreter and source are freely available and distributable in binary form. Python has many built-in high-level data structures and utilizes dynamic typing and binding, making it an excellent choice for both scripting and application development. Programming in Python can be extremely quick and productive owing to the lack of a compilation step as well as the built-in debugger (also written in Python). This fast edit-test-debug cycle is one of the main draws for programmers who wish to develop in Python, while others are drawn to the active and passionate Python community. This path will take you from the basics of the Python language all the way up to working with web frameworks and programming a Raspberry Pi.

What You'll Learn

  • Syntax
  • Python objects
  • Scalar types
  • Operators
  • String I/O
  • Functions
  • Python modules
  • Collections
  • Python best practices
  • Read More

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    From Pluralsight
    Hours 40
    Instructors Jason Olson, Bo Milanovich, Robert Smallshire, Austin Bingham, Reindert-Jan Ekker, Emily Bache, Terry Toy, Joe Marini
    Language English
    Subjects Programming

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    An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

    Programming Coordinator 1 $54k

    Programming Acquisitions $61k

    Programming advisor $72k

    Source Analyst $73k

    Network Programming $78k

    NC Programming $79k

    Programmer (Python) $99k

    DBA - Programming $103k

    Training (Python) $104k

    Gameplay Programming $120k

    IT and Programming Specialist $122k

    Programming Producer $129k

    Courses in this Paths

    Listed in the order in which they should be taken

    Starts Course Information

    On Demand

    Python: The Big Picture (You were viewing this course)

    At the heart of creating software is being able to use the right tool for the right job. In this course, Python: The Big Picture, you'll learn about the Python programming...



    On Demand

    Python: Getting Started

    Hello, and welcome to Python: Getting Started, part of the Python Learning Path here at Pluralsight. My name is Bo Milanovich, and I’m looking forward to helping you learn this...



    On Demand

    Core Python: Getting Started

    Python is a big language, and it's important to have a thorough grounding in its key concepts in order to be productive and create high-quality Python programs. In our experience,...



    On Demand

    Python Fundamentals

    Python Fundamentals gets you started with Python, a dynamic language popular for web development, big data, science, and scripting. What’s so great about Python? Python is...



    On Demand

    Python – Beyond the Basics

    Python – Beyond the Basics builds directly on the foundations laid in our introductory Python course, Python Fundamentals. Python is a great dynamic language for web development,...



    On Demand

    The Python Developer's Toolkit

    Becoming a professional Python developer means knowing more than just the language. Once you make the transition from simple scripts to larger projects, it becomes important to...



    On Demand

    Python Best Practices for Code Quality

    In need of core skills for any level python development? In this course, Python Best Practices for Code Quality, you will learn a number of best practices that will help you...



    On Demand

    Unit Testing with Python

    This course follows on from the Pluralsight "Python Fundamentals" course, and has more detail about unit testing with Python. We will cover libraries and frameworks such as...



    On Demand

    Managing Python Packages and Virtual Environments

    Most real-world Python projects make use of code written by others, and usually this code is included by installing Python packages. In this course, Managing Python Packages and...



    On Demand

    Full Stack Web Development with Python (WEB2PY)

    Learn full stack web development using Python and WEB2PY. WEB2PY is an easy to learn, integrate framework that includes a web server, admin, bootstap, and sqlite database. One...



    On Demand

    Advanced Python

    Over time, Python has exploded in popularity, from being an obscure scripting language to becoming one of the most popular, and widely used languages in the world. In this course,...



    On Demand

    Advanced Python

    Over time, Python has exploded in popularity, from being an obscure scripting language to becoming one of the most popular, and widely used languages in the world. In this course,...




    From Pluralsight
    Hours 40
    Instructors Jason Olson, Bo Milanovich, Robert Smallshire, Austin Bingham, Reindert-Jan Ekker, Emily Bache, Terry Toy, Joe Marini
    Language English
    Subjects Programming


    An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

    Programming Coordinator 1 $54k

    Programming Acquisitions $61k

    Programming advisor $72k

    Source Analyst $73k

    Network Programming $78k

    NC Programming $79k

    Programmer (Python) $99k

    DBA - Programming $103k

    Training (Python) $104k

    Gameplay Programming $120k

    IT and Programming Specialist $122k

    Programming Producer $129k

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