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jQuery is a JavaScript library which was developed by John Resig and released in 2006. It is currently the most popular JavaScript library in use today, offering rich DOM element selector and traversal capabilities along with effects and animations. This path will show you the basics of working with jQuery and how you can apply its rich feature set to your websites.

What You'll Learn

  • jQuery usage
  • Working with the DOM
  • Working with HTML, CSS and Bootstrap
  • Visuals and effects
  • Events
  • Ajax
  • Data
  • Advanced jQuery features
  • OpenCourser is an affiliate partner of Pluralsight and may earn a commission when you buy through our links.

    From Pluralsight
    Hours 29
    Instructors Dan Wahlin, Scott Allen, Karl Swedberg, Mark Zamoyta, Elijah Manor, Robert Boedigheimer, Joe Eames, Craig Shoemaker
    Language English
    Subjects Programming

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    An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

    Library Technician 5 $53k

    JavaScript Instructor $76k

    Javascript Specialist $83k

    JavaScript Wrangler $83k

    Product Engineer (JavaScript) $88k

    Javascript Developer Consultant $89k

    JavaScript/Web Developer $90k

    .NET/Javascript Programmer $94k

    Flash/ javascript developer $106k

    Interactive Javascript Developer $110k

    Principal JavaScript Engineer $162k

    Staff JavaScript Engineer $219k

    Courses in this Paths

    Listed in the order in which they should be taken

    Starts Course Information

    On Demand

    jQuery Fundamentals

    This course will guide you through the features of the jQuery "write less, do more" library. We'll demonstrate how you can use jQuery to select and manipulate DOM elements,...



    On Demand

    jQuery: Getting Started

    Get started with jQuery by learning the basics of a jQuery command. We will cover how to work with selectors, styles, forms, and events as well as finding out about a few coding...



    On Demand

    jQuery UI (You were viewing this course)

    jQuery UI provides abstractions for low-level interaction and animation, advanced effects, and high-level 'widgets'. This course guides you through all of the features of the...



    On Demand

    jQuery In-Depth

    Karl leverages his experience on the jQuery Team and gives a thorough walkthrough of all of the most important parts of jQuery. He discusses how to resolve some common misuses of...



    On Demand

    jQuery Forms and Bootstrap 3

    Learn how to create great looking, responsive forms using Bootstrap 3. Make the most out of your forms by using jQuery form selectors, events and methods. This course covers...



    On Demand

    Fixing Common jQuery Bugs

    In this course we will examine common bugs that are accidentally introduced when developing with jQuery. For each bug we will expose the problem, explain what is going on, and...



    On Demand

    Useful jQuery Plugins

    Learn about many jQuery plugins that will allow you to greatly enhance user experience with very little effort. This course does not focus on creating plugins, but rather on many...



    On Demand

    jQuery Tips and Tricks

    jQuery provides a powerful set of features that can be used to build applications but do you know some of the key tips, tricks and best practices that can be used to reduce code,...



    On Demand

    jQuery Advanced Topics

    This course dives into several advanced topics in jQuery. Learn to leverage jQuery to move beyond simply selecting and manipulating DOM nodes. Some of the many topics covered...




    From Pluralsight
    Hours 29
    Instructors Dan Wahlin, Scott Allen, Karl Swedberg, Mark Zamoyta, Elijah Manor, Robert Boedigheimer, Joe Eames, Craig Shoemaker
    Language English
    Subjects Programming


    An overview of related careers and their average salaries in the US. Bars indicate income percentile (33rd - 99th).

    Library Technician 5 $53k

    JavaScript Instructor $76k

    Javascript Specialist $83k

    JavaScript Wrangler $83k

    Product Engineer (JavaScript) $88k

    Javascript Developer Consultant $89k

    JavaScript/Web Developer $90k

    .NET/Javascript Programmer $94k

    Flash/ javascript developer $106k

    Interactive Javascript Developer $110k

    Principal JavaScript Engineer $162k

    Staff JavaScript Engineer $219k

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